Unlock the Power of Empathy: Creative Ways for YOU to be Part of the Community

Do YOU believe that every person has a unique way to contribute to the world, a capability that sets them apart? When individuals unite with their special gifts, they form a mosaic of purpose and meaning. No two pieces fit the same way, yet together, they complete the puzzle.

Chico, a 45 year old macaw that was left in a tiny, filthy cage for over 15 years after his owner died. It took 8 months to rehabilitate and find a forever home.

Before YOU can reap the rewards of making an impact, ask yourself, “What do I have to offer?” This question is the first step to realizing your potential. But without identifying exactly what YOU can do, progress remains out of reach. This article is designed to ignite your creativity and help you discover that distinctive quality within you. The goal? To help YOU find your place in the Parrot Community.

Before we dive in, who is Valleywide Parrot Rescue? What began as a small family endeavor has since blossomed into Arizona’s largest and most TRUSTED Non-Profit Parrot Rescue. Our mission is to shelter lost, neglected, and abused parrots. We rehabilitate them with the goal of taking them from cold cages to warm, caring homes.

Caesar was abandoned at a dumpster in 114 degree weather which left him bald and terribly sunburned.

This rescue effort is not solely our passion; it belongs to everyone who contributes to making our mission a reality. And soon, that could be YOU! While not every method can fit everyone, these suggestions aim to get YOU thinking so you can figure out what makes YOU unique. Let’s begin!

Start a Facebook Fundraiser

Do you have a passion for animals and a strong online presence? Why not launch a Facebook fundraiser in your name? This approach yields numerous benefits. On your own, you can only contribute so much. Instead, engage your friends, family, and coworkers, and your efforts will create a profound impact. Every dollar raised goes a long way in providing parrots with the care, love, and attention they deserve.

Click here to watch a video on how to do a FB Fundraiser in only a few minuets

A few things to remember:

  • An average of 8 people donate to an individual crowdfunding campaign.
  • The average donation size for a crowdfunding campaign is $66.
  • Campaigns receive 126% more donations when owners update supporters.
  • Campaigns shared fewer than 2 times have a 97% chance of failure.

Donate Bird Food

YOU don’t need superpowers to brighten a bird’s day. By simply donating bird food, YOU can ensure that parrots in need have access to a filling and nutritious diet. Check with your local rescue organization for their specific food requirements. Your contribution will not only fill their tummies, but also keep them healthy and content.

Amy the Amazon had a very specific diet due to her cholesterol imbalance and constant Strokes

Here are a few ways to help with food:

  • Donate surplus food your parrots don’t eat.
  • Find out what foods the rescue currently needs.
  • Consider sponsoring food for a week.
  • We even had someone donate fresh sunflowers that grew in their yard!
  • Create fresh food mixes (quinoa, snow peas, green beans, etc.).

Shop at a Rescue for Toys and Cages

Parrots love toys and require spacious cages for their mental health and physical stimulation. Instead of purchasing these items from large-chain pet stores, consider shopping at a rescue organization or a local parrot-related shop. Not only will YOU provide YOUR feathered friends with top-quality toys and housing at a lower cost, but your purchase will also directly support your local community AND the rescue’s mission.

Lolita is a 36 year old Amazon that was crippled from birth and requires round the clock care. She is very happy now and has fun here singing songs.

Supplies YOU can get at a Discount:

  • Cages, Stands, Playsets and Carriers.
  • Toys, Perches, Food and Water Bowls.

Donate Your Old Car

Now, let’s get a bit more niche. Do you have an old car gathering dust in your driveway? Put it to good use by donating it to Valleywide Parrot Rescue. Your old wheels can be transformed into much-needed resources to support our rescue efforts. Plus, you’ll be helping the environment while aiding parrots. It’s a win-win!

Like in the case with Coco, many birds need to be picked up from their old homes.

How this helps:

  • Provide Birds with Transportation.
  • Provide Funds for Food, Medicine, and Growth for Better Future Habitats.
  • Feel a Sense of Fulfillment.
  • Receive a Tax Deduction.

Donating Extra Property

If YOU have a house that you no longer need or use, consider donating it in your name to Valleywide Parrot Rescue. Your surplus property can be transformed into a valuable resource that helps us expand our facilities, create safe and spacious habitats for parrots, or establish educational centers to raise awareness about the needs of our incredible avian friends. We are especially looking for an actual home, since that is the environment the parrots come from.

After Kiko’s beloved owner died, her son kept him in a mobile home coming only once a week to feed him. By the time he was rescued, he lost most of his feathers.


  • Create a Lasting Legacy- with YOUR name on a large Plaque.
  • It Usually Takes Years to Fundraise for a New Home. YOU Can Do it Instantaneously!
  • Tax Advantages.
  • Receive Recognition and Satisfy YOUR Personal Values.
  • Create a Rehab Center with YOUR Vision in Mind.

Legacy Gifts or Wills

Are YOU looking to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come? Consider including Valleywide Parrot Rescue in your estate planning. YOUR generosity will ensure that the love and care for parrots continue long into the future, creating a legacy of compassion and support that will touch the lives of countless parrots in need. YOUR name will be etched into the project or projects you help fund, and everyone passing through will know that YOU are the one to thank. It’s a remarkable way to be remembered and make a difference that will resonate for years to come.

Scooby on one of his many trips entertaining folks in assisted living.


  • Set a Testament to Celebrate YOUR Life.
  • Set an Example to Inspire Others to Follow in YOUR Steps.
  • Honoring YOUR Loved Ones

Donate Money

Last but certainly not least, the most DIRECT way YOU can help parrots is by making a monetary donation. Your financial support is what enables us to rescue, rehabilitate, and provide lifelong care for parrots in need. Every dollar counts and contributes to the well-being of these incredible birds.

Tia the Cockatoo layed an egg incorrectly. With the community’s support, we were able to cover her surgery.

How YOU can benefit:

  • Ensure that Rescued Parrots Receive a Consistent and Balanced Diet.
  • Community Engagement.
  • Fund Medical Treatments, Check-ups, and Surgeries.
  • Fund Essential Day-to-Day Operations.
  • Donations are tax deductible.


By taking these instrumental actions, you become an integral part of the Valleywide Parrot Rescue family and a genuine hero to the parrots we serve. Your generosity, whether through Facebook fundraisers, bird food donations, old car contributions, property, Legacy Gifts, or direct monetary gifts, has the power to transform the lives of parrots in need. Together, we can ensure these wonderful, vibrant creatures have the love, care, and support they deserve. Embrace your inner hero, and let’s make a difference, one parrot at a time!

Donation Sign-up!

Please Submit and then click the Donate Button.


Our Mission at Valleywide Parrot Rescue is to take in Parrots that are lost, loosing their home, being neglected, or being abused. We rehabilitate them and then find them a new, loving, and caring Forever Home.

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Chace Emmert
August 13, 2023

I called Valleywide about a month ago asking if I could surrender my green cheek conure. Sadly, they were not getting the attention they deserved. The owner so graciously was willing to take Luna in. This very morning , just shy of a month, they called me to let me know Luna has found a a forever home. I am so grateful for Valleywide taking care of my birdie when I was unable to do so. Thank you.

shrek Wazowski
July 31, 2023

This was a really great place to get to know some birds

Susan Herrera
July 4, 2023

I found myself in a challenging situation with my African Grey after my husband passed away. I called Valleywide Parrot Rescue and Ben was at my house the same day. Not only did he and his mom take amazing care of her, they found her a wonderful new home within a few weeks. Thank you for everything you do!

david robles
June 6, 2023

Ben and his mom were great, we've had an amazing experience, we recommend to go to them if you're looking to adopt a bird, Baby is doing great and Ben is of great help when we have questions s about Baby

Alison Fifer
June 5, 2023

This is a wonderful rescue! They are so kind and caring. We were first time bird adopters and Ben spent plenty of time educating us and helping us choose the perfect bird! We're so excited and in love with our new baby.

Melanie Hernandez
May 23, 2023

I was very happy with the male lovebird we got from Ben and was very pleased that he was knowledgeable about knowing how to tell the gender without a DNA test. His name is Diego and we already started training him on our shoulder 😀 Thank you Ben, we love him!

Stacey Dunn
May 21, 2023

They very reasonably priced and very friendly. They are also quite knowledgeable. The rescue is very clean and birds are very well taken care of. I will definitely stay in touch with them and would refer anyone to them.

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